Clinic Policies

Late Arrival and Resultant Condensed Treatment Time

In order to best meet the needs of the client/patient scheduled after your visit, we ask that you arrive on time for your treatment in order to not compromise the treatment time of the next client/patient. A late arrival for your appointment will result in a reduction in treatment time. Your therapist may be able to extend the time, but that is solely up to the individual practitioner and is not a policy of the clinic. Please note that you will be charged for the treatment length that was initially booked regardless of a late arrival.

Failure to Show

Any client that has missed an appointment without giving notice within the 24-hour cancellation period is subject to a payment for the full duration of the treatment. If your therapist is able to re-book your time slot, or if you are able to find someone that is available to take your place, you will not be charged for the missed appointment. A receipt may be issued stating that a payment was made for a No Show treatment, but will not indicate that treatment was received and may not be used as an extended health benefit claim.

Behaviour and Conflict

Any form of verbal, physical, sexual, or slanderous type behaviour will not be tolerated, and it may be asked of you that you do not request future treatments with the therapist, and will be subject to review by management. You may be asked to refrain from using any services provided by the practitioners at Balance Acupuncture and Massage, and/or you may be denied permission to use our online booking service.

**Each therapist/practitioner is an independently-contracted sole proprietor, and it is within their discretion to refuse treatment for any breach of the above noted policy. Each practitioner may also take extenuating circumstances into consideration before enacting the policy. Balance Acupuncture and Massage supports the therapists and practitioners within the clinic, and will regulate and use the policy in order to maintain a healthy and safe work environment for each practitioner**


If you are a first time patient, please fill out the intake form on Jane booking site and send back to your therapist.

Communicable Disease Prevention

  • You must arrive at your appointment with no signs of communicable disease. If you have signs of COVID-19, please contact public health at 8-1-1 and arrange to be tested.

  • Public health authorities recommend the use of masks in public indoor settings for individuals aged 12+ who are not fully vaccinated.

  • Please practice physical distance as it helps decrease transmission of the novel coronavirus as well as other communicable diseases.

  • Please wash your hand upon arrival and arrive on-time for appointment.

  • Step 3 of BC’s Restart Plan is a careful, graded transition that relies on honest communication and consistent safety protocols.